Saturday, May 23, 2009

The conventional wisdom of camouflage

Whatever your pursuit, chances are it is governed by rules and regulations. The rules generally control the play, while the regulations enforce the boundaries; and while the rules and regulations of some pursuits are highly formalised others are less so.

My pursuit is hunting and while it certainly has rules and regulations, when you are in the field your ability to fully control every aspect of the hunt is far from complete. One reason being it seems no one ever bothered to explain things to the game we hunt.

People however don’t seem to be all that comfortable with this and so use various systems and approaches and adopt certain behaviours that might help them gain some control. In my pursuit all of these could all be wrapped up into what you might term the conventional wisdom of hunting.

For instance hunting downwind is a conventional wisdom, nowhere it is written that you have to hunt this way, there is no linesperson or umpire to enforce this - however it’s not a bad idea to hunt into the wind.

Trouble is there are times when things happen that go directly against a conventional wisdom and since you can’t ask for a replay or ruling your only choice is to ask why and try to learn from it.

Take scent for example, now generally it is held that smelling like a human is a great way of scarring off game. Consequently many hunters make an effort to dehumanise their scent; which includes such actions as not using deodorant, avoiding campfire smoke, having ‘hunting only’ gear and even being careful about what to eat.

However recently I had a good look at an 80kg+ boar a friend knocked over with the help of his German shorthaired pointer. Considering the location of the boar I estimated that is was about 800 metres down wind from our camp.

Now our camp was a place where 9 noisy, smoky, smelly, diesel and petrol vehicle driving, bacon and egg eating, cigarette smoking and occasional beer drinking hunters set up shop for a week.

Yet possibly the best boar of the trip was taken almost within site of this camp - which made me ask why? Could it be that (1) the traditional view on scent may need some refinement, (2) scent is not an exact science, (3) no one explained things to the boar or (4) it had had a cold.

The other thing is that much of the conventional wisdom within hunting does not have universal support. In fact debate surrounding a particular topic seems to generate more campfire banter than almost anything else.

Effective camouflage is a case in point. It appears that here are two very distinct and competing wisdoms here.

The first contends that for camouflage to be effective it must be the same colour, shade and design – or as close to possible, to the hunting environment.

Here in Southern Queensland this means steering well clear of the darker colours and busier designs of New Zealand and the US. What you should be using is faded, washed out colours incorporated into simpler vertical patterns that reflect our drier landscape.

Auscam, especially old faded Auscam is highly recommended though some of the specialised patterns from the US with light, washed out browns, fawns, taupes and sand colours, and the odd flick of green are also highly sort after.

Generally to achieve the right balance of colour and shade it is recommended that you repeatedly wash your new camouflage and allow it to dry in the sun so it can fade to the desired level - or in my case shrink to an undesired level!

However a second school of thought directly challenges this approach to camouflage.

It argues that as no combination of colour, shade or pattern will hide you from sharp eyed game you have to use designs that change or break up the all too recognisable human form so as to make you unrecognisable.

Advocates of this approach to camouflage often use blaze orange to strengthen their case, if colour is so important, how can any hunter be successful wearing a blaze orange hat? There are a number of popular imported and local designs that help break-up the human shape, with more seemingly available everyday at the local gun shop.

Interestingly one point where these two schools agree is dealing with your hands and face. More dedicated camouflage aficionados from both camps state that the human face and hands stand out in the bush and so must be camouflaged.

Therefore veils and gloves are regarded are an essential part of the complete camouflage kit, though of course what colour, shade, pattern or design is dependant on your point of view.
So as a hunter, how do you decide which approach to camouflage is for you? Well one of the great benefits of not having a lot of boundaries is that you can make your own. So when choosing camouflage you can make yourself invisible or you can change your shape - or you can even have a go at doing both.

One certainty in all of this is that you can always sit close to the fire in your comfortable chair with your favourite drink and simply listen and enjoy the conversation.

Saturday, May 9, 2009

A trip to Nundle

On the road

Travelling south, Tim and I had spent much of the drive talking about our next 3 days away. While it was officially a 7 day hunt organised by the Australian Deer Association Queensland ADA(Q), we could only get a few days off work and so were keen to make the most of our time. For both of us it would be a trip of ‘firsts’, our first time to Nundle, our first hunt with ADA(Q) and our first hunt as New South Wales (NSW) R-Licence holders.

For those who are unfamiliar with the R-Licence, it provides holders the opportunity to help with feral and game animal reduction in declared NSW State forests. Something that benefits the environment, agriculture, and much to the chagrin of Queenslanders like me the NSW economy!

The previous week back in Southern Queensland I had taken my first Red Deer Stag. It had been a great experience and something I had worked hard for. However this trip away would be different; I had no real expectations of the days ahead and would be happy just to be out in the field.

Riding shotgun, I looked out at the New England scenery. With its granite boulder landscape, red and gold foliage and deciduous trees; while it doesn’t look that much like England - trust me I’ve been there - it’s certainly different to my part of the world.

Driving down, we took our time and made a number of stops. Our first was Tenterfield for a ‘Famous Meat Pie’ (said so right on the shop front) and a quick look in the toy/sport/fishing/gun and barber shop.

Next was Uralla for a beer in the Thunderbolt Inn Hotel with its heated public bar. Now for some this is no big deal, but for Queensland boys a public bar with the heat on mid morning in April is something you take notice of. Our final stop was a late lunch at a pub about 30 minutes from our final destination.

At the town of Nundle we turned left and began the very steep climb to our base at Ponderosa Park. The park, a small camp ground lies between Nundle and Hanging Rock State Forests along the Forest Drive.

Arriving, we met some of the others we would be sharing our time with over the next few days. The first order of business was to set up and so we all worked on pitching the ADA(Q) HQ tent; an impressive 5 by 10 metre white wedding marquee, as well as getting the hot shower and kitchen installed and fire going. With everything in place Tim and I turned to our own camp and got ourselves ready for the following day’s hunting.

That afternoon around the camp fire we learnt a little about ‘Nundle’, a name used to refer to the town, the State Forest and sometimes the surrounding district. Because of its elevated position Nundle State Forest seems to have its own climate, which for us was cold, wet and windy at night and cool, windy and damp during the day!

Just before dusk we took a quick drive to get a feel for the place and saw rabbits, a fox and a small fallow deer - all which left us feeling confident that there was plenty of game about. We also observed a very healthy population of native wildlife feeding on both sides of the main track.

Into the forest

The next morning we waited for the light and then hit the road. Having a sedan we decided on an easily accessible point about 4 kilometres from camp that we had investigated the previous afternoon. Parking the car, we got our gear together and began by following an overgrown track into the pine.

Very soon we began to see roos and wallabies feeding in the deep pine, we also noticed that the light and wind were lower and the temperature warmer in the pine than at camp. It also became obvious that it would be pretty easy to get lost, so we took a compass/route map approach, marked our start location and turned directly south into the light South Easterly/Westerly wind.

Once you got used to it, stalking in the heavy forest was pretty straightforward as the damp pine needles absorbed nearly all sound. Travelling in line and sight of each other we switched to radio communications to further reduce any noise we might make.
Soon we began to see pig diggings, droppings and the remains of bright red mushrooms the pigs had been eating. At each point of ‘sign’ we would quietly discuss what we saw.

While it was evident there had been lots of activity and lots of pigs in the area, determining their direction of travel was a little harder. We found the answer a short time later when we came to an old forestry track.

The track was slightly below us and so after stepping down we searched the bank and were able to spot a worn animal track, some very fresh prints and some newly fallen earth. Again after some whispered discussion we agreed the game was likely in front and that we were moving in the right direction. Also with the wind in our favour we felt confident we would see soon something.

As part of our approach, we stopped at regular intervals to scan the forest with the binoculars and maybe take a compass bearing.

However as we moved further into the pine I gave the binoculars away as they were next to useless in the low light conditions.

We continued a slow traverse of what seemed to be a long pine covered slope and finally came to another track. Again we took a compass bearing and noted our crossing point. Obviously with GPS keeping track of our location would have been simpler; however I learnt to navigate using map and compass and like to practice as often as I can.


After crossing the track we moved down into a small grass and fern covered gully and then up again into the pine. Almost at the peak of this rise we encountered our first pigs.

At almost the same time I saw them I heard a whispered ‘pigs’ over the radio. Lowering into a crouch I turned, noted Tim’s position and realised I was in the box seat. Luckily for me the pigs, oblivious of our presence were to my left and slightly in front, while Tim was ever so slightly behind and to my right.

Remaining still I watched the small black female and larger black male with white socks continue their search of the forest floor. Cycling the action I then shouldered my Tikka T3, aimed squarely for the body and squeezed the trigger. Hitting the smaller pig squarely with the .30-06 150gr Accubond - it dropped immediately to the forest floor.

Its companion, raised its head as I cycled the action, took aim and fired a heart/lung shot - which produced the same result as the first. However a larger pig, a true boar, burst from cover and moved directly in front of me.

Firing 2 quick shots at the fleeing boar I felt that I had missed with both. Tim, not so sure and hearing a squeal asked if I was clear. Giving the thumbs up, he bolted forward and crested the rise.
After checking the pigs I started to think over what had just happened; twice in two weeks I had been successful on my first outing, however in both cases I had not been fully aware of the situation.

With my Red Stag the previous week I had ‘missed’ seeing a smaller Stag and while I got the better, I hadn’t had a full impression of the situation. With the pigs I had missed a much better boar by focusing too quickly on the obvious. I decided it was something I needed to work on.

Tim, returning after about 5 minutes was been unable to pick up any blood sign, or get a clear shot though he did hear another fleeting squeal while in hot pursuit. Hauling the pigs together we took photos and relived the event. After a little crowing on my part we moved off to further search our new hunting area for more pigs!

Coming to another very overgrown track we found that the pine was divided by a wide, shallow scrub covered gully. Turning West, we moved slowly down the track and at the bottom found a small water hole. We also saw how the area opened up into a long wedge shaped meadow separating the pine from a eucalypt forest.

Not wanting to move too far away from where we had taken the pigs, we slowly retraced our tracks finally arriving back at our starting point. As we were still pretty excited by the morning’s events, we spent about an hour exploring a new area closer to camp where we again saw plenty of pig sign - though no pigs.
Over the next 3 days we would hunt a similar pattern until around 11am. While we did hunt other parts of Nundle, we decided to spend our mornings working and learning more about the area that had already produced good results.


Our approach paid off on each of the two following days. The next morning we moved to the meadow after again trying out the pine. Standing under cover on the fringe of the open ground we realised the wind would be blowing over our shoulders. Deciding to push on anyway we slowly moved into this new area. Tim stayed in the shadows of the pines right on the edge of the meadow, while I stalked in a more open position. Coming around a slight bend we saw a Hind. Unfortunately neither of us was able to get a clean shot. The Hind eventually broke and I fired, but with no success.

Discussing what happened we decided to push on and see what else was about. Back at camp a couple of hours later we talked to the others of our encounter and after some campfire encouragement decided to try the area again.

So on our third and final morning we skipped our usual pig search in the pines and spent about 2 ½ hours slowly getting ourselves into a ‘wind friendly’ position for the meadow. Under some heavy cover we had a quick feed, gave ourselves a chance to get refocused and began a very slow and deliberate stalk. Tim again stayed in the shadows of the pine while I moved closer to the fringe of the eucalypt. Slowly moving through the meadow we would constantly stop, look and listen before moving on.

After all of the effort, planning and patience I let the side down. At the crucial moment I got distracted and turning casually to look over my right shoulder discovered I was about 10 metres away from a trophy Fallow Stag. Standing still, or best you can with your heart racing; I cycled the action on my Tikka T3 and watched the Stag, startled by the metallic sound disappear down a creek and into the eucalypt.

The Mob

Each afternoon, Tim and I would team up with Clinton and hunt other areas of the State Forest. On the third and last outing we hit a mob of pigs. I wasn’t even ready to shoot at the time and so ended being a very amused observer of all the action. Clinton, first seeing a small black flash called cat - however after the second flash we in unison called pigs!
We had inadvertently intersected the mob’s escape route and so in order to the get away they either has to perform an about face, or run right past Tim and Clinton. Choosing the latter they fled through the ferns, darting in and out of cover. It was like a scene from a monster movie with the ferns alive with movement, noise and lots of excited shouting.

The action lasted about 15 seconds and included a couple of quick shots and one either very brave or confused squealer charging straight at Tim before changing course almost under his feet!

The whole event provided a great story back at the camp that evening and gave Tim and Clinton a change to really get amongst it.

The final tally

For the rest of our group Nundle also provided some great hunting. Our combined total included two good sized boars, four smaller pigs and two Hinds. A few days later I did hear that another pig had also been taken. It seems two of our party both aimed and fired on the same sow, leading to an overall count of 7 and a very entertaining camp fire discussion about who shot whose pig!

While our 3 days away ended up being far too short, our first trip to Nundle provided us with some real excitement, a chance to make some new friends and plenty to talk about until next time.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Go get dinner: My first deer

Having joined the Brisbane Branch of the Australian Deer Association and Queensland Deer Mangement Group (QDMG) early in 2008 I had spent a number of Saturdays working at the Mt Stanley hunting blocks - 2 hours North of Brisbane - rolling fencing wire, repairing pens and digging holes to earn access points for the 2009 Roar.

So when it finally rolled around I attended the Roar ballot and was duly allotted a share of a block for 7 days to hunt ‘Stags’ (up to 4x4) for the grand total of 24 points or about 4 days work.

While 7 days hunting sounded fantastic, some adjustments had to be made to fit in with that horrible thing called work. So after a couple of calls and a bit of trading I had organised a 3 day hunt. This reorganising included partnering up with a more experienced hunter; a QDMG requirement for new members. In my case I would be hunting with Paul who was spending a full week up at the blocks.

Finishing work on Tuesday afternoon I rushed home, packed the car and took my far better half out for an early dinner - by way of saying goodbye for the next 3 days. After our meals, the last words from my partner were to be careful on the roads and ‘go get dinner’, a none too gentle reference to my boasting about how we’d have a freezer full of venison come April.

After a thankfully uneventful drive I arrived at the ‘Hut’, my accommodation for the next 3 days around 8:30pm and unloaded the car, got myself sorted and had a chat to Paul about all things deer before turning in. The next day we were up at 5am and bumping along to our jump off point a short time later in the Vitara.

Stopping at the base of a ridgeline that more or less travelled all the way to the southern boundary of the block we got ourselves ready and started off in the growing light.

Taking it easy and staying below the skyline we moved quietly in a southerly direction and soon began to see plenty of deer sign. While no roars were heard, droppings, rubs and hair caught in fencing were spotted in the first couple of hours.

In following days throughout the block we would see plenty of rubs on smaller leafed plants; however this first stalk would be the only time we would see large and high rubs on Bloodwoods.

These rubs were easily spotted in the early light and gave us confidence that deer were about.

However, one thing that certainly wasn’t in our favour was the wind; it was on our backs and seemed to be nailed there.

In trying to solve this problem we decided to walk a slow and wide loop to eventually better position ourselves, at least on the return leg.

Just before 8am we approached an intersecting ridge running East/West and decided it would make a good smoko stop. We would then follow it West and begin our loop, and hopefully get right with the wind!

Breaking for smoko we considered a couple of interesting gullies in front of us and talked about our next move. Then out of nowhere came a short roar. It was initially hard to pinpoint however a follow-up roar allowed us to estimate a likely position to our right. Then to really throw something into the mix it was answered by a long roar from the left!

Packing quickly we moved left, deciding that stag sounded closer. Also it would allow us to find favourable wind under good cover. After about an hour we found ourselves at a partially shaded saddle on an otherwise high ridge above a heavily vegetated dry creek.

Unfortunately the wind had become a problem again, now blowing across us, but we just had to live with it. With Paul slightly below and 20 metres behind - he was the first to spot a Hind, bedded in the shade. The Hind was accompanied by a calf and they both soon broke cover and moved across the creek. While I didn’t initially see them, I did catch a glimpse as they moved.

It was the closest I had been to wild Red Deer and as I watched the Hind and calf I saw a 3rd and 4th ‘Hind’ come into view. They were travelling almost directly in front of Paul and I was able to get a good view of the lead animal through the trees.

I had been slowly moving towards Paul in a crouch and was still about 10 metres away when I noticed his ‘excited’ hand signals. With 4 fingers up on both hands, I first thought he was indicating to go to Channel 8 on the radio; but it soon hit me, the trailing Hind was in fact a 4x4 Stag.

Now very close to Paul; I still couldn’t make out the Stag’s head due to the cover, however that all changed in an instant when with another step he came into full view. With words containing a lot more colour but with similar meaning to; if you don’t shoot in a big hurry I will - I got down into an almost prone position, 80-90 metres away and above the Stag. ‘Lighting’ him with the VX-III scope I saw his broadside chest was perfectly protected by a tree.

Waiting for the shot the stag then stepped forward and I fired. Though I can’t say that I saw it Paul said later that a good dirt and blood plum appeared with the hit, all I saw was the Stag firstly rock backwards, drop its head and then stumble forward.

With the report the Hind in front broke and a smaller second Stag momentarily appeared, before bolting down and crossing the creek.

With the words, good shot or there abouts from Paul I worked the bolt and jacked in another round. Again I heard Paul, this time with a cautious steady on and so I stopped and slowly rose.
As nothing was moving, I removed the chambered round, made the rifle safe and we slowly moved forward.

It took us some time to locate the Stag as it had crashed into a lantana covered washout. So with a fair bit of pulling, dragging and swearing we managed to get it to a position where we could admire its size and head, take plenty of pictures and begin dressing the meat. Though many would argue otherwise, to me it was a real trophy and I couldn’t believe my good fortune.

The .30-06 Federal Gold Medal 150gr Accubond ammo had driven through the ribs and into the chest on the Stag’s right hand side. The shot however did not produce a through and through as I found the remains of the projectile, possibly now a 3rd of its original mass just under the skin on the left.

A little time later I had the back straps, head and hind quarters ready to go so we began the slow process of hauling the meat out. It certainly wasn’t the highlight of the morning and I was glad when I was sitting in the car with the meat in the back. By around 12:30pm I had my first Stag hanging behind the Hut!

Over the next 3 days we would stalk on 4 more occasions and each time see Deer, though no better Stags.

As I had my Stag, and couldn’t fit another in my freezer, I was feeling relaxed and so used the following days to learn as much as I could in the field.

I also used the time to evaluate what I had read, heard and discussed about deer as well as consider how my kit held up.

My Tikka T3 is really a great rifle and I can’t fault it, though I have some reservations about the ammo - I felt it lost too much mass. My clothing was spot on for mild April weather, though following advice to wash the brightness out of my new camo caused me to inadvertently wash the ‘size’ right out of it as well, which Paul found very funny.
Two obvious improvements for me are optics and storage. It became obvious that in low light my reasonably priced binoculars simply didn’t cut it. Secondly my very comfortable, light and practical day pack was far too small for carrying meat.

So to sum up…first day, first hunt, 3 hours in - one Stag in the bag, one set of antlers for the wall; this deer business is easy!

Especially with an experienced hand leading the way, thanks Paul.